Spend quite some time to set up all my blogs and stuff, to post to Facebook, to collect statistics, to get away from Google Analytics and so on. Wanted to go to bed early last night, but guess what – I got really sucked into this time trap.
But I have achieved a couple of things, and I’m pretty happy with my progress:
- I got introduced to to Piwik during CeBIT, looks quite good and runs on my server now. Thank you Werner!
- Messed around with WordPress, Blogger, Drupal and a bunch of others to get this all to work
- While doing so, I got to a bunch of blogs that I’m maintaining (http://eclipse-membership.blogspot.com/, http://polarsys.blogspot.com/, http://ferien-in-gersfeld.de/?q=de/blog/) and worked on them a little – added a bunch of widgets and fiddled with the layout
So I had fun. But the night was over way too early.